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Professor Francis Ratnieks - Apiculturist at the University of Sussex

This was my first interview, which I conducted over the phone at university. I was a little disappointed that I would have phono-quality, but after editing it sounded much better than I had originally thought. I think I was very lucky to secure this interview first, as it helped to shape the new direction my documentary would need to go in to be truthful about the UK's bees. 

Peter Littlewood - The Young People's Trust for the Environment

Peter gave me an insight into what the YPTE is doing to educate young people about environmental issue. He had some excellent facts about bees, and obviously had a very well-rounded view of the world's various problems including climate change, pollution and plastic use, but the most important thing that came out of our conversation were his comments about how logical and sensitive children can be towards the environment, and will most likely be the people that go onto change the world in the future.

Ivor Kemp - Chairman of the East Dorset Beekeeping Association

I travelled to Broadstone for these interviews, which took place in Ivor's sun lounge. The challenge was the echo in the room because of the glass panelling, which was easily remedied during the editing process. Ivor showed me the beehives at the bottom of the garden, but unfortunately because it was cold, the bees were asleep and I was unable to get any wildtrack. The interview itself went very smoothly, Ivor was able to speak for a very long time about one question, which gave me plenty of good footage to work with. 

Arran Kemp - Young Beekeeper

I was very lucky that Ivor's son Arran also has an interest in beekeeping, as I had been unable to find any young beekeepers before I got in touch with him. Whilst Arran was a little shy, his passion for beekeeping was evident, especially in the way he spoke about bees as a species, and how important they are. I only managed to get a few minutes of footage with Arran, but with limited time in the documentary and some good quotes from him, it wasn't too much of a dilemma. 

CC: Clive Wren, Flickr

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